Final results in new Boliden's rights issue

Final results in new Boliden's rights issue

Final results in new Boliden's rights issue

The final results in the new Boliden rights issue show that 99.62
percent of the new shares offered have been subscribed for by the
exercise of rights. Further, 19.06 percent of the total rights issue
have been applied for on a non-preferential basis. The final results are
slightly higher than the preliminary results announced on 2nd April

Today the Board of Directors resolved to allocate 320,681 shares not
subscribed for by exercise of rights according to the principles
described in the prospectus. Notice of any allocation of shares
subscribed for without preferential rights will be provided in the form
of a contract note, beginning on or about 14th April 2004. The shares
will be delivered to shareholders' accounts as soon as practicable
following payment. No notice will be sent to those who do not receive an

The rights issue increases the number of shares in new Boliden by
84,129,056. Following the rights issue the number of shares amounts to
252,387,169 and the share capital to SEK 504,774,338.

Delivery of newly issued shares, subscribed for by exercising rights, to
shareholders' accounts is expected to take place around 15th April 2004.

For further information, please contact:

Jan Johansson, President and CEO,
telephone +46 8 610 1602, + 46 70 555 02 02

Ulf Söderström, Senior VP Group Communications,
telephone +46 8 610 15 57, +46 70 618 95 95

Boliden is one of the leading mining and smelting companies in the world
with operations in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Ireland and Canada.
Boliden's main products are copper, zinc, lead, gold and silver.
Exploration and Recycling of Base Metals are also important within the
company. The number of employees is approximately 4 900 and the turnover
amounts to approximately EUR 1.6 billion annually. The Boliden share is
quoted on the Stockholm Stock Exchange in Sweden as well as on the
Toronto Stock Exchange in Canada.

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