Boliden's Nomination Committee will propose the re-election of the following Members of the Board to the Annual General Meeting, to be held on 27th April 2010: Marie Berglund, Staffan Bohman, Lennart Evrell, Ulla Litzén, Leif Rönnbäck, Matti Sundberg and Anders Ullberg (Chairman), and the election of Michael G:son Löw. Anders Sundström has declined re-election.
Michael G:son Löw, M. Sc. (Economics), aged 58, has broad international experience of executive assignments and Board work. He has held the position of President and CEO of Preem AB since 2003. Prior to that, he served for over 25 years in a variety of senior positions within the American oil company, Conoco.
The Nomination Committee comprises the following Members: Anders Algotsson (AFA Försäkring), Lars-Erik Forsgårdh, Eva Halvarsson (Andra AP-fonden), Åsa Nisell (Swedbank Robur Fonder), Caroline af Ugglas (Skandia Liv) and Anders Ullberg (Chairman of the Board of Boliden).
The Nomination Committee's other proposals will be presented in the notice convening the Annual General Meeting and on the company's website.
For further information, please contact:
The Chairman of the Nomination Committee, Anders Algotsson, AFA Försäkring, tel: +46 8 696 40 00.