Proposal on Board of Directors from Boliden's Nomination Committee

Boliden's Nomination Committee will propose to the Annual General Meeting on May 8, that Carl Bennet, Marie Berglund, Staffan Bohman, Ulla Litzén, Leif Rönnbäck, Matti Sundberg, Anders Sundström and Anders Ullberg (chairman) be re-elected. The Nomination Committee will further propose that Lennart Evrell, President and CEO of Boliden AB, be elected new member.

Members of the Nomination Committee are Mats Guldbrand, AMF Pension (chairman of the Committee), Anders Algotsson, Afa, Björn Franzon, Fourth AP-fund, Björn Lind, SEB funds/SEB Trygg Liv, Lars-Erik Forsgårdh, Åsa Nisell, Swedbank Robur funds and Anders Ullberg (chairman of the Board).

The Nomination Committee's other proposals will be communicated in the Notice to the Annual General Meeting and on the company's website.

Boliden is one of the leading mining and smelting companies in Europe with operations in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Ireland. Boliden's main products are copper, zinc, lead and gold and silver. Exploration and recycling of metals are also important within the company. The number of employees is approximately 4 500 and the turnover amounts to approximately EUR 3.6 billion annually. Its shares are listed on Stockholmsbörsen's Large Cap list and on the Toronto Stock Exchange in Canada.


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