Interim Report, January- September 2012

Q3 2012

  • Revenues totalled SEK 9,123 million (SEK 10,553 m)
  • The operating profit totalled SEK 1,146 million (SEK 1,180 m)
    –   Excluding the revaluation of process inventory, the operating profit totalled SEK 974 million (SEK 1,397 m)
  • Free cash flow totalled SEK 310 million (SEK 820 m)
  • Earnings per share was SEK 2.99 (SEK 3.06)

Nine months, 2012

  • Revenues totalled SEK 29,807 million (SEK 30,607 m)
  • The operating profit totalled SEK 3,415 million (SEK 3,673 m)
    Excluding the revaluation of process inventory, the operating profit totalled SEK 3,123 million (SEK 4,017 m)
  • Free cash flow totalled SEK 1,277 million (SEK 479 m)
  • Earnings per share totalled SEK 8.86 (SEK 9.51)

Contact persons for information:

Lennart Evrell, President & CEO; Tel: (exchange): +46 8 610 15 00

Mikael Staffas, CFO; Tel: (exchange): +46 8 610 15 00

Frans Benson, Director Investor Relations; Tel: +46 8 610 15 23      

Please find enclosed the full Report.


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