Board proposes redemption of Boliden shares

Boliden's financial position has improved substantially over the year as a result of the healthy cash flow, and the Balance Sheet is now considerably stronger than required for the Group's continued development. The Board will, therefore, propose that the Annual General Meeting approve the redemption of Boliden's shares. The combination of this measure and the common dividend would entail a proposed transfer of just over SEK 4 billion to the shareholders, corresponding to approximately SEK 14 per share.

Further information will be provided in conjunction with the Preliminary Financial Statement issued on 8th February 2007.

Boliden is one of the leading mining and smelting companies in Europe with operations in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Ireland. Boliden's main products are copper, zinc, lead and gold and silver. Exploration and recycling of metals are also important within the company. The number of employees is approximately 4 500 and the turnover amounts to approximately EUR 3.8 billion annually. Its shares are listed on Stockholmsbörsen's Large Cap list and on the Toronto Stock Exchange in Canada.

For additional information, please contact:

Jan Johansson, President & CEO, Boliden AB, tel +46 8 610 1602, +46 70 555 02 02
Ulf Söderström, Senior Vice President, Group Communications, Boliden AB, tel +46 8 640 1557, +46 70 618 95 95
Staffan Bennerdt, CFO, Boliden AB, tel +46 8 610 1520, +46 70 513 61 14

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