Invitation to Interim Report for January - September 2011

Invitation to Interim Report for January - September 2011

Tisdagen den 25 oktober 2011 presenterar Boliden sin delårsrapport för januari-september 2011.
Vi har i samband med detta nöjet att inbjuda till en telefonkonferens där Bolidens vd och koncernchef Lennart Evrell och CFO Mikael Staffas, kommer att presentera rapporten.

Telefonkonferens (eng) tisdag 25 oktober kl.14.00

Välj mellan två alternativ för att följa telefonkonferensen:

1. Telefon:
- från Sverige 08- 505 598 53
- från utlandet +44 20 3043 2436

2. Webcast:
Bolidens webbplats

Frans Benson
Director Investor Relations
Boliden AB
Tel: 08-610 15 23

More press releases & news

Boliden will announce its Interim Report for the fourth quarter 2024 on Thurs

Boliden has updated the estimations for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves at Kevitsa, as a result of more detailed studies of the mineralization. The updated estimates show an increase in tonnage in both Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves compared to the previous year. The average grade for the Mineral Reserve is estimated to increase to 0.22 percent for nickel (NiS*) and remains as previously 0.31 percent for copper. Nickel and copper guidance grades for 2025 are estimated at 0.17 percent and 0.23 percent respectively. Also, the timing for a decision on a potential Stage 5 project has been postponed by a couple of years.

The shareholders of Boliden AB (publ) (company registration number 556051-414