Boliden inaugurates sustainability park close to Aitik

Boliden inaugurates sustainability park close to Aitik

In order to strengthen biodiversity and create accessible nature experiences for the public, Boliden is today inaugurating the Sarkanenä Sustainability Park close to Aitik. The company’s aim is for additional sustainability parks to be introduced in connection with active or decommissioned sites.

“Mines inevitably have an impact on the environment and the local community in which mining takes place. However, by restoring the land or setting aside other land and initiating efforts to promote biodiversity, we can strengthen the overall natural values and contribute to long-term solutions for both ourselves and others,” says Åsa Jackson, Executive Vice President People and Sustainability at Boliden.

Boliden’s sustainability parks are areas within our land holdings consisting of forest land, decommissioned sites or land adjacent to active sites that can be opened to the public. The sustainability parks reflect the conditions at the site in question and will demonstrate the site’s history and Boliden’s association with it, historically, today and in the future.

A meeting place protected from weather will be available at all parks, along with nature experiences in the form of trails, playful elements, activities and more to learn about biodiversity. The information provided is also based on ecological, economic, socio-cultural and legal aspects, such as the natural values associated with the site and how these can be recreated and strengthened. Sarkanenä Sustainability Park is located about 10 km south of Gällivare along the road to Nattavaara and includes, in addition to other features, a ~2km hiking trail with an experience trail.

For further information, please contact:
Klas Nilsson, Director Group Communications, phone: +46 70-453 65 88,
[email protected]

Boliden‘s vision is be the most climate-friendly and respected metal supplier in the world. We are Europe’s producer of sustainable metals, and we use our values Care, Courage and Responsibility as our watchwords in pursuing operations in exploration, mining, smelting and recycling. We have more than 6,000 employees and annual sales of around SEK 85 billion. The share is listed in the Large Cap segment on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.

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