Daniel Peltonen new President Boliden Smelters

Daniel Peltonen new President Boliden Smelters

Daniel Peltonen has been appointed new President Boliden Smelters. He will assume the role during December 2019 and will be part of Boliden's Group Management.

Daniel holds a Master of Science (MSc) degree in chemical engineering and industrial economics from Åbo Akademi University. He also has extensive experience from industrial companies, most recently as business area manager at Holmen. Prior to that, Daniel was the site manager for the paper mill Hallstavik and held production manager roles both in Sweden and internationally.

“Daniel has broad experience in the process industry. This together with his leadership qualities and drive will be very valuable for the continued development of our smelters,” says Mikael Staffas, President and CEO of Boliden.

As previously announced, the current President Boliden Smelters, Kerstin Konradsson, will leave Boliden during the summer. Karl Söderberg, Director Finance Boliden Smelters, has been appointed acting President Boliden Smelters until Daniel Peltonen commences.

For further information, please contact:

Group Communication, tel. +46 8 610 16 30

Boliden is a metals company with a focus on sustainable development. Our roots are Nordic, but our business is global. The company’s core competence is within the fields of exploration, mining, smelting and metals recycling. Boliden has a total of approximately 5,800 employees and a turnover of SEK 50 billion. Its shares is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, segment Large Cap.  

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Aktieägarna i Boliden AB (publ) (org.