New Mineralisation Discovered in Boliden's Kristineberg Mine

New Mineralisation Discovered in Boliden's Kristineberg Mine

While carrying out exploration work, Boliden has discovered new mineralisation in its Kristineberg Mine in northern Sweden. The indicated mineral resource of 1 M tonnes has very high zinc and silver grades and was intersected on the 900 - 1000 m level adjacent to the currently-producing Einarsson ore body

The indicated mineral resource is as follows:

 K tonnes    Au   Ag   Cu   Zn   Pb  
            g/t  g/t   %    %    %
 1000       0.2  197 0.4 11.6    1.0

The zone remains open to the west and continued drilling is planned to investigate its extent.

The ore reserve at Kristineberg at the end of 2001 was a little over 1.0 M tonnes which will be sufficient for slightly more than two years at the current production rate. The new discovery can lead to an extension of the mine's lifetime by about two years.

Assaying has been done in Boliden's laboratory at Rönnskär and check assays have been performed by Chemex in Vancouver.

The area is covered by a mining concession.

Drill-hole data as well as a longitudinal projection will be posted on Boliden's homepage at later today under the heading Exploration.

The technical base data have been compiled under the supervision of Mati Sallert, who is registered as a Qualified Person by the Swedish Mining Association.

The Kristineberg Mine has been in production since 1940 and currently has around 150 employees. The ore mined there contains copper, lead, zinc, gold and silver.

For further information, please contact:

Jan Johansson, President and CEO, telephone +46 8 610 16 02 or +46 70 555 02 02

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