New Group function for environment at Boliden

New Group function for environment at Boliden

New Boliden is continuing to consolidate its position in the fields of
the work environment, the external environment, occupational healthcare
and dam safety. The acquisition of Outokumpu's mining and smelting units
at the turn of the year has led to a major injection of resources and
know-how into Boliden's already strong and established environmental

"New Boliden has the capacity to be one of the world's leading mining
and smelting companies in terms of environmental protection, safe
workplaces and top-level occupational healthcare, areas that at Boliden
all come under the concept of Environmental Affairs," says Tom Niemi,
Deputy CEO of Boliden.

Boliden is now continuing work on a new organisation that includes both
the formal Group function known as Environmental Affairs, and the work
performed within its company-wide network. There are coordinators at
each operational unit in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Ireland, who are
responsible for the external environment, the work environment and
quality issues, as well as occupational health. The new Environmental
Affairs Group function also has specialists who are responsible for the
external environment, the work environment, quality work and dam safety
issues. There is also a coordinator of energy management systems, an
occupational healthcare department and a department in charge of land
issues and industrial areas where operations have been closed down.
Together with the resources available at the various operational units,
this will result in a strong, modern, flexible, high-capacity

"The fundamental principles are that work relating to the environment,
health and safety should be decentralised and responsibility delegated
throughout the organisation. The Group function is responsible for the
environmental policy, the monitoring of special interests, operational
support, audits and the coordination of improvement work within new
Boliden in each of the specialist areas," says Manfred Lindvall, who was
made Head of Environmental Affairs at Boliden in January.

                                   -30 -
 For further information, please contact:

Tom Niemi, Deputy CEO, telephone +46 8 610 1528, +358 400 264 582
Manfred Lindvall, Head of Environmental Affairs,
telephone +46 910 77 4118, +46 70 659 59 66

Boliden is one of the leading mining and smelting companies in the world
with operations in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Ireland and Canada.
Boliden's main products are copper, zinc, lead, gold and silver.
Exploration and Recycling of Base Metals are also important within the
company. The number of employees is approximately 4 900 and the turnover
amounts to approximately EUR 1.6 billion annually. The Boliden share is
quoted on the Stockholm Stock Exchange in Sweden as well as on the
Toronto Stock Exchange in Canada.


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Som en följd av mer detaljerade studier av malmkroppen har Boliden uppdaterat Mineraltillgångar och Mineralreserver i Kevitsa. Uppdateringen indikerar att både Mineraltillgångar och Mineralreserver ökar jämfört med föregående år. Genomsnittshalten för Mineralreserven beräknas att öka till 0,22 procent för nickel (NiS*) medan kopparhalten förblir oförändrad 0,31 procent. Halterna för nickel och koppar för 2025 uppskattas till 0,17 procent respektive 0,23 procent. Dessutom har tidpunkten för beslut kring ett möjligt Omtag 5-projekt flyttats fram ett par år.

Aktieägarna i Boliden AB (publ) (org.