Boliden’s directed issue oversubscribed - prices its new shares at SEK 25 per share, raising SEK 925 million

Boliden’s directed issue oversubscribed - prices its new shares at SEK 25 per share, raising SEK 925 million

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On November 30, 2004, Boliden announced its intention to carry out a directed issue of up to 37 million new shares to institutional investors in Sweden and abroad (the 'Boliden Offering'). On December 15, 2004, the Board of Directors of Boliden resolved to effect the directed issue and to issue a maximum of 37 million new shares.

Press releases etc.

Press release 2004-12-17 Over-allotment option fully exercised in the offering of Boliden shares

Press release 2004-12-16 Boliden's directed issue oversubscribed - prices its new shares at SEK 25 per share, raising SEK 925 million

Press release 2004-12-03 Publication of offer document

Press release 2004-11-30 Boliden launches directed issue of up to 37 million new shares

Press release 2004-11-30 Resolution at the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting in Boliden AB

Press release 2004-11-12 The shareholders in Boliden AB are given notice of an extraordinary shareholders' meeting to be held on November 30, 2004

Press release 2004-11-12 Boliden proposes directed issue to international investors

Link to Prospectus (in Swedish, PDF)

Link to Brochure (in Swedish, PDF)

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Aktieägarna i Boliden AB (publ) (org.