Conference Call regarding Boliden's Q2 Report 2006

Conference Call regarding Boliden's Q2 Report 2006


Conference Call regarding Boliden's Q2 Report 2006

Boliden will release its Q2 Report for 2006 on Wednesday, August 9, 2006 at 08.30 CET.

We have the pleasure of inviting you to participate in the conference call to be held on Wednesday, August 9, at 18.00 CET. Boliden's President and CEO Mr. Jan Johansson will present an overview of the report and reply to questions.

In order to participate in the conference call please dial one of the following numbers:

-from Sweden dial 08-505 201 10 (please dial area code)
-from other countries dial +44 (0) 207 162 0025

Slides will be available on approximately one hour before the conference call.

The conference will also be broadcasted live (sound and slides) at Boliden's homepage,

A recording of the conference call will be available from 20.00 CET on August 9, to 20.00 CET on August 16. To access the recording please dial:

-from Sweden 08-505 20 333 and code 702783
-from other countries +44 (0) 20 7031 4064 and code 702783

Yours sincerely,

Ulf Söderström
Senior Vice President Group Communication
Tel: +46 8 610 15 57
Mobile: +46 70 618 95 95

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