Presentation 2009-10-27, Interim Report January-September 2009, webcast

Presentation 2009-10-27, Interim Report January-September 2009, webcast

Boliden will release its Interim Report for January-September 2009 on Monday,
26th October 2009. We are delighted to invite you to participate in the conference call on 26th October and to attend the presentation at Operaterrassen, Stockholm on 27th October, during which Boliden’s President and CEO, Mr Lennart Evrell, and its CFO, Mr Johan Fant, will present an overview of the Interim Report and reply to questions.

Conference call (Eng) Monday, 26th October at 12.00 (CET)

To participate in the conference call, choose one of the following options:

1. Telephone
Dial one of the following numbers a few minutes before the conference starts:
-from Sweden 08-5051 3785 (please include area code)
-from abroad +44 (0)20 7138 0825

Confirmation Code: 9274582

2. Visit Boliden’s website at
-The conference call will be broadcast live (sound and slides).

Presentation (Eng) Thuesday, 27th October at 08.30 (CET)

Venue: Operaterrassen, Stockholm

Please register your participation at [email protected]
no later than 25th October.

The presentation will also be broadcast on Boliden’s website at

Yours sincerely,

Frans Benson
Investor Relations
Boliden AB
Tel: +46 8 610 15 00

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