Finnish strike affects Boliden's operations

Finnish strike affects Boliden's operations

The union negotiations in the Finnish metal industry have broken down. The previously announced strike has been enforced today and could potentially last until November 7, 2011. The strike affects Boliden smelters in Finland - the zinc smelter Kokkola and the copper smelter Harjavalta.

The smelters are shutting down their production as of today. In total some 900 Boliden co-workers are affected. The strike will have an estimated impact on the operating result for Boliden's Business Area Smelters of roughly 4 to 5 MSEK per day.

For further information, please contact:

Frans Benson, Director Investor Relations, Boliden AB, tel: +46 8 610 1523

Boliden is a leading European metals company whose core competence is in the fields of exploration, mining, smelting and recycling. Boliden's main metals are zinc and copper. Other important metals extracted and refined include lead, gold and silver. The operations are conducted in two Business Areas: Mines and Smelters. The number of employees is approximately 4 400 and the turnover in 2010 amounted to approximately SEK 37 billion. Its shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, segment Large Cap and on the Toronto Stock Exchange in Canada.


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